Tag Archives: Chatbox

Introducing “Chatbot Corner”

 “Chatbot Corner,” is a new column in Psychiatric Times® which will explore the intersection of psychiatry and cutting-edge technology.

Dr Steven Hyler, professor emeritus of Psychiatry at Columbia University Medical Center, describes this column as an “innovative space dedicated to exploring the dynamic and sometimes challenging relationship between artificial intelligence (AI) technology and mental health.” He invites insightful readers to contribute articles, ideas, thoughts, commentaries, suggestions and experiences with AI chatboxes.

The goal is to demystify the role of AI and discuss clinical implications of AI in psychiatry and serve as a guide toward responsible use.

Readers are encouraged to share and dissect the most egregious chatbot errors you have encountered in practice or your experience with trying to stump the psychiatry chatbot with complex scenarios, your contributions are vital.

Ideas and articles can be submitted to PTEditor@MMHGroup.com and feel free to participate in this intriguing journey into AI and how it fits into psychiatry and mental health.

Link to Psychiatric Times, Dr Hyler’s call for participation.